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Membership Resources

Scouting America provides an online process for member and unit renewals. Below are several resources to help ensure a smooth and efficient renewal experience. All units and members currently registered with Scouting America must complete this process annually.

What's Changing

  • Simplified Unit Renewal: The focus of unit renewal is now on renewing the unit's charter and ensuring all adult leaders have completed necessary training and background checks.

  • Individual Memberships: Your BSA membership, whether youth or adult, lasts for 12 months from the month you register. Individual membership renewals are independent of your unit's renewal cycle.

  • Individual Fee Management: Membership fees can be paid directly by the member OR the unit.

What are the Benefits?

  • Streamlined Process: Separating membership renewal simplifies the renewal process for both units and individual members.

  • Focus on Unit Operations: The renewal process now focuses on ensuring the unit itself is prepared for the coming year.

  • Flexibility for Membership: Members have more control over their membership.

Youth Protection Training (YPT)

Youth Protection Training (YPT) is required for each adult on the unit charter, and all adults registered in Scouting in the Buffalo Trace Council must maintain current Youth Protection Training certification. Youth Protection Training is valid for a period of two years and many leaders will see their certification expire this year. Be sure all adults have current YPT certification before you start charter renewal. In addition, every new Adult Application must include a Youth Protection Training certificate.

You will not be able to complete your charter renewal if any registered adult has expired YPT certification. Training can be completed online through

Membership Renewal Fees

The membership period is from the first of the month in which the member originally joined to the last day of the month twelve months later. For example, if a new member joined on 8/7/2024, then their membership period will be 8/1/2024 through 7/31/2025 (the first day of the month they registered through the last day of the month twelve months later).

Members will get renewal notices by email starting sixty days prior to expiration date. The notification email messages will occur forty-five days and then thirty days before the membership expiration date.

Members must renew their memberships on or before their membership expiration date!


There is a sixty-day lapse period from the membership expiration date. The membership is suspended during this time. Adults cannot serve as leaders and youth are unable to work on advancement. The membership will be canceled if not renewed by lapse period. The member will need to submit a new application in order to join Scouting again.

Financial Assistance is Available

The Buffalo Trace Council is committed to making Scouting available to all youth.

To help ensure there are sufficient funds to help all youth enjoy Scouting, we encourage units to participate in the Annual Popcorn Sale, Friends of Scouting Campaign, etc. Because there are a limited amount of funds available each year, we cannot guarantee that every youth that applies for this program will receive assistance. 

Please allow 2- 3 weeks for processing, we appreciate your patience.

Unit and Membership Renewal

Scouting America provides an online process for member and unit renewals. Below are several resources to help ensure a smooth and efficient renewal experience. All units and members currently registered with Scouting America must complete this process annually.

Orientation Video: Unit and Membership Renewal

Membership and Unit Renewal Process

Unit renewal and member renewal are no longer be one and the same. Membership is now a set 12 month term from the time of registering regardless of when the unit renews. Youth and adult leader membership are separated from the unit renewal.

Unit Renewal


At and go to Organization Manager (Unit Leader, Committee Chair, Chartered Organization Representative, or COR designee have access).

Click on "Unit Renewal" on the menu


Review Information

Make any necessary changes.

Enter your name in the signature field

Pay and Submit

The Annual Charter Agreement is mandatory and must be obtained outside of the electronic process. After completing the updated charter agreement, please file it in the unit's records at the council office.

You can view the recording of our 2024 Unit Renewal Zoom training here.  (Skip to about 1:20.)

Individual Renewal



Select the Notice

Found in the top right corner

Select pop up

"Registration for John Doe is expiring soon, click here to renew."

Review Information

Select "Go To Payment"

**Does not apply with Financial Assistance

Agree to the Terms and Conditions

Confirm/ Edit Scout Life Subscription

Enter/ Confirm Credit Card Information

**Subject to a 3% Processing Fee

Select "Place Order"

Select "Complete Registration"

If Scout is applying for assistance, processing must be completed at Council. Assistance Form must be filled out completely and submitted with a renewal form signed by the Scout Leader.

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