District Info

Did you know, your unit can have a Friends of Scouting presentation in November or December? Then, if you reach your goals you can benefit from it for an entire year! If your Pack/Troop/Crew raises an average of $45/active Scout you will receive FREE rank badges from the Council for the rest of the year . Or for an average of $60/active Scout you will recieve FREE rank badges AND advancements All Friends of Scouting donations stay right here in Buffalo Trace Council to help local Scouts/families Friends of Scouting donations provide: -Financial assistance for families with need-registration, uniform, and camp scholarships -Training and resources to leaders -Support and upkeep of Eykamp Scout Center -Accident and sickness insurance for all registered Scouting members. -Affordable activities for youth-Cub Scout Day Camp, Camporees, Merit Badge Universities, etc. -Outreach programs for underserved youth and youth with special needs -Recruitment materials to support existing units-flyers, yards signs, stickers, New Parent Guidebook, etc. To schedule your unit presentation contact your District Professional.
Service Hours Reporting
A Scout does a good turn daily and helps other people at all times. The Scouts in our district are prime examples of these practices. Please take some time and log your service hours and show just what all our Scouts did for their community this year! To log service hours you will need your unit ID (you can get from your Scout Center) and see below for more information:
Serving Edwards, Gibson, Knox, Lawrence, Richland, and Wabash Counties
District Associate: Vacant
District Commissioner: Chad Hawkins, Email: chawkins@cinergymetro.net
District Assistant Commissioner: Jonathan Yochum, Email: jyochum3@gmail.com
District Nominating Chair: Bill Marsh, Email: bilmarsh@sbcglobal.net
District Advancement Chair: Vacant
District Membership Chair: Sarah Will, Email: sarahwill8401@gmail.com
District FOS Chair: Justin Schrader, Email: baseballnerd62@yahoo.com
District Popcorn Chair: Tempera Hanes, Email: hanestempera@cinergymetro.net
District Eagle Board Chair: Bill Marsh, Email: bilmarsh@sbcglobal.net
Click here to see the Eagle Scout Requirement.
Lincoln Heritage
Serving Dubois, Perry, Pike, Spencer, and Warrick Counties (except Newburgh)
District Executive: Ryan Abbott, 315-247-1180, Email: ryan.abbott@scouting.org
District Vice Chair: Vacant
District Commissioner: Joe Keller, 812-774-3458, Email: indianajoekeller@gmail.com
District Membership Chair: Candance Nance, Email:csn1954@msn.com
District FOS Chair: Doris Gries
District Popcorn Distribution: Vacant
District Eagle Board Chair: Jadd Miller, 812-639-1202, Email: jaddmiller@gmail.com
Click here to see the Eagle Scout Requirement.
Native Trails
Serving Gallatin, Posey, Vanderburgh ,White, and the Newburgh Area
District Executive: Greg Hager 812-423-5246 x2214, Email: gregory.hager@scouting.org
District Chairperson: Tonya Binney, 812-573-7415, Email: t_binney@yahoo.com
District Commissioner: Edwin Cahill, 310-345-4643, Email: edwinccahill@gmail.com
District Program Chair: Adam White, 812-618-8234, Email: adambsa383@gmail.com
District Advancement Chair: Carmen Stoen, Email: carmen.stoen@gmail.com
District Activities Chair: Sam Taylor, Email: samantha.taylor@scouting.org
District Camping Chair: Tom Burnett, 812-401-6546, Email: tburnett@twc.com
District Membership Chair: Tonya Albright, Email: albrightfamily@verizon.net
District Popcorn Chair: Carmen Stoen, 812-774-8768, Email: carmen.stoen@gmail.com
District Training Chair: Ted Stoen, 812-319-1148, Email: tstoen@me.com
Click here to see the Eagle Scout Requirement.