Girl Troop Recruitment Schedule
Scouting provides life-changing opportunities for youth, families, and our communities at large. Welcoming new families is vital to ensure these traits continue in our Neighborhoods. A recruitment event provides an opportunity to speak to the families of the new Scouts. We recruit so that more youth can grow from Scouting and so more adults have an opportunity to volunteer so we can maintain a local community legacy. The tools below are a variety of resources available to assist with planning your recruitment efforts.
Why We Recruit
July 9-15
Post 1: Adventure On
No one sits the bench in Scouting! Scouts BSA can help your son grow, learn and achieve... with outdoor adventures, leadership and skill development, and FUN! Learn more about Scouts BSA here, or send us a PM to find out more about our Troop #AdventureOn
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Post 2: Scouting is for You
If you want your daughter(s) to learn to make ethical and moral choices, then Scouting is for you. If you want them to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader, then Scouting is for you. If you want to have fun with your family outdoors, Scouting is for you. #AdventureOn #EscapeTheIndoors #ShareScouting #ScoutMeIn
July 16-22
Post 1: Girls in Scouts BSA
A mom reflects her experience as a Scout leader for her sons--and now her daughters! Since February 2019, more than 30,000 girls have now joined Scouts BSA, the outdoor adventure and skill-development experience for youth in the fifth grade through high school. Girl-only Troops focus on the service, community engagement and leadership development Scouts BSA is known for, as they work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. Learn more at #AdventureOn #EscapeTheIndoors #ScoutMeIn
Post 2: Troop Recruitment Event
Come find out what Scouting's all about! We'll be bringing all the fun and info to you on <Date and Time, at <Location>. Bring your family and check it out!
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linking to the event will include your cover photo for the event
July 23-29
Post 1: Personal Family Story - What Scouting has meant for our Family
<Scout's Name>'s family shares what Scouting has meant to their son. <Scouts BSA has (story about experiences, skills he has learned, fun he has had, etc.)> #AdventureOn #EscapeTheOutdoors #ShareScouting #ScoutMeIn
Choose a few of photos of the Scout in action that goes with the family's story.
Post 2: Future by the Handlebars
These are years of so much potential and growth for your daughter - Scouts BSA can help build confidence, life skills, leadership and more. #AdventureOn #EscapeTheIndoors #ShareScouting
July 30 - August 5
Post 1: Citizenship, Respect, Honor
Trustworthy - Loyal - Helpful - Friendly - Courteous - Kind - Obedient - Cheerful - Thrifty - Brave - Clean - Reverent. Our world needs more future leaders with these traits, and those future leaders are our youth. These traits are the 12 points of the Scout Law - a guideline for Scouts BSA - helping our kids become the best version of themselves, for now, and for our future. Learn more at #EscapeTheIndoors #ShareScouting #ScoutMeIn #AdventureOn
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Post 2: We love to...
Troop <###> loves to...Camp/Cook over a campfire/hike XYZ trails/give back to our community #EscapeTheIndoors #ShareScouting #ScoutMeIn and/or #SummerOfService
Choose a few of the photos from activity that you chose to feature
August 6-12
Post 1: What we're about
We're here to give your daughter the chance to explore the world through outdoor adventure!
Our Scouting program offers unparalleled opportunity for growth through fun and adventure for girls ages 11-17.
#AdventureOn #EscapeTheIndoors #ScoutMeIn #ShareScouting
Post 2: The Higher you Climb
If you're worried about your daughter having too much screen time and too little "real life," Scouts BSA can change that for you and your daughter. Get outside, learn new skills (more than 130+ merit badges to choose from), and make lifelong friends. #AdventureOn #EscapeTheIndoors #ScoutMeIn #ShareScouting
Post 3: Change your Life
To girls considering joining Scouts BSA, this Scout says, "Don't be afraid to do something that will change your life." This female Scout--the daughter of an Eagle Scout and the sister of a Cub Scout--is excited to finally be IN the program. #AdventureOn #EscapeTheIndoors #ShareScouting #ScoutMeIn
August 13-19
Post 1: Join Anytime
Youth ages 11-17 can join Scouts BSA at any time! No matter when they join, they can expect great experiences, outdoor adventures, skill development and more. Find out more about our all-girl Troop by sending us a PM. We'll be glad to answer any questions you may have. #AdventureOn #EscapeTheIndoors #ScoutMeIn #ShareScouting
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Post 2: Photo/Post from your Unit
We can't wait to include new youth in activities like this! (description of who/what/when/where/why, with no last names) Use hashtags #EscapeTheIndoors #ShareScouting #ScoutMeIn #AdventureOn
Choose a few of your past events.
Post 3: Scouting Builds Resilience
The Scout Motto is "Be Prepared." Preparing youth for life, with inner determination, skills and resilience, is what we do. Learn more about how Scouts BSA builds resilience. #AdventureOn #EscapeTheIndoors #ShareScouting #ScoutMeIn
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After Sign Up
After Sign Up: It's not too late!
Did you miss our sign-up event? No worries - you can still register your daughter for the adventures of Scouts BSA. Here are two options:
Send us a private message, and we'll get you connected or
You can complete your registration online at Put in your zip code and look for Troop ### and register. #AdventureOn #ScoutMeIn #EscapeTheIndoors #ShareScouting
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